Just about every man has, at one point or another, wanted to know how to measure a penis. Whether it is because they believe they are above average in size, below average in size, or just curious, it is a pretty natural thing to want to know.
While the size of your penis is not necessarily going to be critical to your overall sexual health, it is still important to many men, so if you are going to measure it anyway, you may as well learn to do it the right way.
How to Measure a Penis the Right Way?
There is certainly no shortage of theories and rumors that tell men (and women) how they can determine the length of a man’s penis. You have likely heard things such as:
- The Length of a Man’s Middle Finger is Equal to the Length of Their Penis
- Distance Between a Man’s Thumb and Index Finger is Equal to Their Penis Size
- A Man with Large Feet will Always Have a Large Penis
- Many Other Old Wives Tails
The fact is, however, that none of these are true. If you want to measure your penis, there are several different options available, each of which is good to know. Take a look at these clear instructions for measuring your penis in the comfort of your own home.
How to Measure the Length of Your Penis?
Believe it or not, medical professionals have a standard method for measuring the length of your penis, and that is what all men should follow. You can do this using any ruler or measuring tape. First, start at the top of your penis (often called the tip of the head).
Measure from that point in a straight line all the way to your pubic bone. You will want to gently press down on any excess fat or pubic hair to get the proper length of your penis.
How to Measure the Girth of Your Penis?
While you are ‘down there’ measuring the length of your penis, you may as well measure the girth as well. According to many women, this is actually more important than length anyway. To measure the girth of your penis, you will need a flexible tape measure (such as fabric tape) and measure around the middle of the shaft of your penis while it is fully erect. This measurement will be the girth of your penis.
How to Measure the Width of Your Penis?
One last measurement that many men are curious about is the width of the penis. This is actually how the fit of condoms is determined, so it is generally good to know. To measure the width of your penis, simply take the measurement of the girth and divide it by 3.14.
Measure Penis Size Multiple Times
When trying to determine the size of your penis, it is important to measure it multiple times in different situations. This is because a man’s penis can change in size quite a bit based on things like their level of arousal, their activity level, and other factors.
For a truly accurate measurement, you should take at least 3-5 measurements and use the average of the results.
What is the Average Penis Size?
Just about every man is concerned about the size of their penis. Whether they think it might be too big or too small, learning about the average penis size of men will at least give you the information you need to see how you stack up. From there, you can decide what to do with that information.
- Average Penis Length when Flaccid is Between 2.8 and 3.9 Inches (7-10 cm)
- The Average Erect Penis is Between 4.7 and 6.3 Inches (12-16 cm)
- The Flaccid Girth is 3.5 to 3.9 inches (9-10 cm)
- Average Erect Girth is 4.7 inches (12 cm)
- 4.59 Inches is Widely Considered to be the Global Average
What is a Micro Penis?
Unfortunately, people use the term ‘micro penis’ in a derogatory way quite often, but the reality is that this is a real medical condition that is absolutely no joking matter to those who experience it. Having a micropenis is quite rare and impacts approximately .6% of the population.
In adults, a penis that is smaller than 2.75 inches when flaccid and 3.5 inches when erect is considered a micropenis. This goes beyond having a smaller than average penis size.
When to Seek Penis Enlargement?
If you have a micropenis, or even if you are just unhappy with the length of your penis, there are some things you can try. Some of them are more invasive than others, but there have been medically reviewed studies that indicate these options can have a positive impact.
Deciding when to seek penis enlargement is a very personal choice and one that only you can make. If you decide you want penis enlargement, you will want to know about all your options. The following are the most commonly recommended penis enlargement techniques to consider.
Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy is a great option when your penis size is believed to be small due to a lack of hormones, typically testosterone. This is only an option if you have gone to a doctor with your concerns and they have diagnosed you with insufficient testosterone or other key hormones that could impact the size of your penis.
Gender Reassignment
Gender reassignment surgery is most commonly used for those who are transsexuals born as a female and want to transition to a male. The same techniques, however, can be used to help genetic men who struggle with micropenis. Of course, this option will also require you to work with a doctor.
Penis Enlargement Surgery
There are several options for penis enlargement surgery that you can consider. Micropenis surgery, for example, will help to ensure the necessary tissues are in place for an average-sized penis. There is also the micropenis penile implant, which places material into the penis surgically in order to get it up to the desired length.
These options are fairly invasive and should only be taken after serious thought and consultation with your medical professional.
The Penis Exercises
Penis exercises are a great option for anyone who wants to try to grow the length or girth of their penis but does not want to work with a doctor or other medical professional. These exercises generally involve gently pulling on your penis while flaccid to attempt to extend the penis tissue in order to get the additional length.
Penis Traction Devices
The Penis traction devices are a more advanced method that works in much the same way as penis exercises. These extenders can increase the penis size and are also used to increase the length and girth. These devices are placed on your penis and provide constant pulling pressure and other forms of pressure (depending on the model you use) to get the desired results.
There are many different penis traction devices on the market today, but they are not all of the same quality. The Sizegenetics model, for example, is one of the most trusted options on the market today, largely because it has even received FDA approval, which is quite impressive. You can read a Sizegenetics review to learn more about this popular device.
Final Verdict
Learning how to measure a penis the right way is something that every young man should be taught. No matter what size it happens to be, every guy wants to know his actual size, but very few people want to talk openly about it.
In addition, for the men who find that their penis is below average size, it is important that they know what options they have available to them. No matter what your motivation for measuring your penis, we hope the information in this article was helpful.
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