Right now, millions (if not billions) of men worldwide are asking the exact same question: How to increase penis size safely, effectively and permanently?
Truth is, the vast majority of men would jump at the chance to benefit from a bigger dick. In terms of length, girth, strength and so on, there aren’t many men who’d turn down gains like these.
Nevertheless, a pretty sizable proportion of the male population lives in a state of perpetually poor confidence. Their self-esteem has taken a knock due to the ‘small’ size of their penis, making it difficult for them to take pride in their appearance.
A few interesting facts to consider, before we continue:
- The average erect male penis length is 5-inches
- When flaccid, the average male member is around 7-10cm
That’s not particularly big, so don’t go thinking you’re under-equipped when you’re probably quite normal!
But what about when ‘normal’ isn’t enough? If you are 100% serious about increasing the size of your penis safely and permanently, what’s the best method to try out?
How to Increase Penis Size Naturally?
Natural penis enlargement techniques that can help increase penis size at home are in no short supply. The problem being that the overwhelming majority of them simply do not work. Some do, but most are pure nonsense.
Let’s take a look at a few of the most common tactics, during which I’ll attempt to separate fact from fiction:
Eat Watermelon
Can eating watermelon really result in improved penis length and girth? Of course not. Given how there isn’t even an advanced daily supplement that can get the job done effectively, you can’t expect any real difference by simply eating watermelon.
This theory stems from the fact that there is an amino acid (citrulline) in watermelon that’s known for causing dilation of the blood vessels. Something which can, technically, result in more blood being driven to the penis. There’s a possibility watermelon consumed in the right quantities at the right time could help you get hard and stay hard, but all the fruit in the world isn’t going to give you a bigger dick.
Take Ginseng Supplements
It’s exactly the same case with Red Ginseng, which is noted for effectiveness in treating mild to moderate cases of erectile dysfunction. High-quality ginseng supplements (when consumed on a regular basis) can boost blood flow and improve lung function, giving the penis more of what it needs to get the job done.
Though again, sending additional blood and oxygen to the penis when ‘duty calls’ isn’t going to make any permanent difference to its length or thickness.
Penis Enlargement Exercises
Here’s where things get interesting, as you may by now have heard of a technique known as jelqing. A penis enlargement exercise that dates all the way back to Ancient Arabic Times, jelqing has become the exercise for millions of men trying to ‘tug’ their penis to a more amicable length.
The problem being that while anecdotal evidence suggests that this kind of forceful penis massage can occasionally work, jelqing is a risky exercise that isn’t recommended. Male sexual health experts regularly speak of patients who’ve permanently damaged the tissues, blood vessels, and general muscle structure of their member, simply by getting carried away with jelqing.
In any case, even if you do it the ‘right’ way, you’re unlikely to benefit from any noticeable gains.
Quit Smoking
To be frank, this really shouldn’t be your main excuse for quitting smoking. Tobacco has a devastating impact on pretty much every major bodily function, including circulation. Unsurprisingly, smoking can also do an absolute number on lung function,
If your circulatory system and lungs aren’t doing their job properly, neither is your dick. Stopping smoking isn’t likely to suddenly result in a massive dong, but could reduce your likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction. And let’s face it – a dick that doesn’t work is way worse than a modest-sized member in good working order!
Reduce Belly Fat
Believe it or not, for every 30lbs to 50lbs of weight you gain, you lose one inch of the visible penis. Hence, making an effort to lose weight is a great way of making your penis look bigger. It’s not an approach that’s genuinely going to increase the size of your penis, but could at least make it look bigger than it does right now.
In addition, carrying excess weight paves the way for many of the risks associated with smoking. Inefficient blood flow, diminished lung function, and next to no libido whatsoever. All good reasons to get working on your waistline, before the blubber you’re carrying do you some serious damage.
Reduce stress
Can simply reducing stress levels and relaxing a little more help you grow a bigger dick? Seriously what do you think? While there’s much to be said for mind over matter, all of the positive thinking and ‘zen’ in the world isn’t going to suddenly see you hung like a horse.
Still, there’s much to be said for the broader benefits of getting stress levels in check. Stress is known to have a devastating effect on physical and psychological health. All of which doesn’t bode well for your sex life or your libido. By swapping stress for simple relaxation, you’ll be performing better than you knew you could in no time.
Other Penis Enlargement Techniques to Increase Penis Size
As you’ve probably figured out by now, absolutely none of the above tactics can deliver permanently increased penis size. Whether your goal is to increase flaccid penis size or make your erections longer and thicker, you can rule these six approaches out of the question.
Instead, it’s better to focus your time and attention on the three slightly more elaborate options outlined below. Each of which can be effective in its own way, increasing penis head size, shaft size and erection size to one extent or the other.
Though not all are recommended by male sexual health experts, as you’ll see.
Penis Pumps
Penis pumps have been around for generations, comprising a vacuum chamber and a manual or automatic pump. The idea being that by exposing the penis to controlled pressure, it’s gradually encouraged to grow longer, thicker and stronger.
It’s a sound theory, but the problem with penis pumps lies in a simple lack of evidence. Roughly translated, there’s no proof as to whether or not they actually work. A quality penis pump used sensibly can make for stronger and longer-lasting erections. They can also be effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
But when it comes to actually make your penis bigger, chances are it simply isn’t going to happen. There’s no harm in trying, but you’re unlikely to get the results you want with even the best penis pump on the market.
Penis Extenders
It’s a slightly different story with penile extenders for one important reason. If you choose a top-shelf device like SizeGenetics, impressive results are practically guaranteed. SizeGenetics uses a simple scientific principle to slowly encourage the penis to grow in length and girth over time.
Devices like these are designed to ‘exercise’ the penis in a similar way to how you’d build muscle mass at the gym. A controlled and comfortable stretching action exerts just the right amount of force on the penis to slowly build gains. Over the course of six months, SizeGenetics is capable of increasing penis size by an average of 8% to 30%.
More importantly, SizeGenetics is the only device of its kind to have received the support and recommendation of male sexual health experts worldwide to increase penis size faster. It’s also an FDA-approved medical product, which ships with an astonishing 180-day money-back guarantee.
All of which means that even if you aren’t particularly blown away by the results, you won’t have lost a penny by trying it out. A pretty sweet deal, whichever way you look at it – check out this updated SizeGenetics review to learn more.
The third and final approach is the ‘nuclear’ option. Desperation often leads men to consider major surgery, though putting your member under the knife isn’t the best idea. Whether opting for plastic surgery, filler injections, implants, or major reconstructive surgery, you’re looking at a painful and risky process with no real guarantees.
In any case, there’s just a handful of surgeons in the world right now who claim to be able to offer genuine penis enlargement operations. One of which is an LA-based plastic surgeon, who charges in the region of $15,000 for penis implants. Though as far as male sexual health experts are concerned, procedures like these are way too risky to justify.
Worse still, they come with no guarantees and almost always offer short-term gains at best. Something to think about, before allowing your member to be sliced and diced by a quack.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – common sense wins the day.
If there was a quick and easy short cut to getting a bigger dick, we’d all be doing it by now. If it was as simple as eating watermelon or taking herbal health supplements, there wouldn’t be a man on Earth without a massive dong.
In reality, things aren’t quite so simple. Instead, getting a bigger dick (and holding onto it for life) means following the science. Shy of surgery, there’s really only expert-approved devices like SizeGenetics that actually work.
It’s therefore a clear and easy choice. You can stick with weird theories and anecdotal evidence, or you can try something that’s literally guaranteed to work. At least, in the sense that you’ll get your money back if it doesn’t!
If you need more information on penis enlargement, kindly visit our Guide page.
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